West Coast Moving Company


1599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA 94930


Open today from 8:00am - 8:00pm


(415) 342-4805



A pending home or company move can tend to seemingly hover overhead, placing undue weight on our shoulders.  Careful planning can help take the sweat out of the endeavor.

West Coast Moving Company of Marin County has compiled an office or house moving checklist for you below which will make the execution of your move much smoother. It can be printed out for your convenient use.

At Least Three To Five Weeks Before Your Move Date:

  • Hold a yard sale or donate unwanted items to charity. Get rid of all the unused items you have accumulated! Sell your items to make a small profit or donate to be philanthropic
  • Make your list of everything you are bringing to your new home. Even though your moving company may create a list for you, it is always a good idea to compile one of your own for organizational purposes
  • Find out the replacement value of all belongings, for insurance purposes
  • Begin packing! It is never too early to start gathering packing materials together and boxing and wrapping items.
  • Fill out a change of address form at your local post office and DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)
  • Inform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of your move
  • Have your children’s school records transferred to their new schools
  • Get copies of your medical and dental records, if necessary
  • Obtain copies of veterinary records, if necessary
  • Arrange for removal of “installed items” you are bringing with you
  • If you live in an apartment building, give notice of your move to the management of the building
  • Find out if certain appliances or electronics need to be serviced before they leave the point of origin
  • Speak with your bank representative about the transfer of your funds

Two Weeks Before Your Move

  • Cancel any delivery subscriptions (magazines, etc.) or have deliveries transferred to your new address
  • Make arrangements to disconnect gas, electric, and any other utilities and find out how to connect utilities at your new place
  • Find out where to dispose of household chemicals like old paint
  • Get rid of all flammables
  • Schedule appointments with the phone and cable company in order to have these utilities in place in your new home when you arrive

Quote Form

We only provide local moving services within these cities: San Rafael, San Anselmo, Novato, Mill Valley, Corte Madera, Larkspur, Sausalito, Greenbrae, Fairfax, Forest Knolls, San Francisco, Petaluma, Napa, Sonoma, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Oakland, Richmond, Emeryville, Cotati, Rohnert Park

    A Few Days Before Your Move:

    • Make arrangements for somebody to watch your children and/or pets. It will be easy for you and the moving crew to get everything organized in your new home
    • Take down curtains and curtain rods
    • Pack a suitcase with the clothes and toiletries you’ll need the first day in your new home
    • Pack a special box with other essentials you’ll need for the first few days. (Make sure to mark this box “Do Not Move”)
    • Carry expensive or irreplaceable items such as jewelry, heirlooms, or personal records (birth certificates marriage license, passports) with you
    • Empty, defrost, and clean your refrigerator. Make sure it has at least 24 hours to air dry
    • Clean and air your stove.


    • Make sure you are at home when the movers arrive, so you can sign an inventory
    • Collect all keys to locking items. Put them in a safe place
    • Walk around with the foreman while he does the inventory
    • Keep your signed bill of lading and inventory in an easily accessible place
    • Make sure the driver has the correct delivery address and phone number
    • Confirm the expected delivery time with the driver
    • Before you leave, do a final walk-through of every room. Check all closets and cabinets for items that you might leave behind


    • Tipping your movers should not be forgotten. If they have been quite helpful, a nice gesture is individual tipping. If the service has been disappointing, do not feel you have to tip.
    • Before you plug-in electrical appliances and electronics, They should be brought up to room temperature.
    • Letting family and friends know you the move to your new home has been safely done will be comforting.
    • Feeling a little down right after your move is quite normal. It has nothing to do with how you feel about your new home. The move and contemplating unpacking can press on you some and occurs often after moving to a new location.
    • A housewarming party can lift your spirit!
    • Some insurance companies have limited periods for claim-making. Therefore, as soon as you can, you should check for damage. Thus, you can avoid missing the deadline.
    • Children can be unsettled by a move, so giving them lots of attention can help, as can fun time.
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